Solheim’s Overcoming Analysis Paralysis Course

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis was designed for a deep dive into the lab values, radiology tests, and electrocardiograms that you may encounter on the job. Once the learner is in the classroom, we will walk them through every lab value imaginable. Additionally, the course includes a full afternoon of case studies where the learner applies what they’ve learned to interpret laboratory values, radiology exams, and electrocardiograms in simulated scenarios.

Regardless of what area of healthcare you work in, laboratory values, radiology exams, and electrocardiogram exams need to be interpreted and this course will allow the learner to dig deeper into these tests.

Our Vice-President and Chief Nursing Officer, Bill Light, describes the course’s usefulness as: “In an exceptional educational seminar, you hope that you will get one or two “a-ha moments” every hour. In Overcoming Analysis Paralysis, I bet you’ll get one every 5 minutes.”

It doesn’t matter what your position is, if you touch lab work in any capacity this class will help you. It may be a lot of information; however, it is amazing.

Course modules include…

  • Electrolytes

  • Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation

  • Chest X-Ray Interpretation

  • Renal Function Tests

  • Urinalysis Studies

  • Hematology Studies

  • Lab Testing and the GI System

  • Coagulation Studies

  • Heart Smarts

  • Testing Through the Ages

  • Electrocardiograms

  • 5 Additional Case Studies

1 Course. 3 Options.

  • Solheim Enterprises is ready to visit your facility and teach our Overcoming Analysis Paralysis Course to your staff. While we’ll cover a ton of material in the 2-day, 16-hour course, we’ve designed the course for a deep dive into the lab values that you may encounter on the job.

  • If for any reason an in-person course isn’t an option for you, your team, or your organization, we’ve gotten really good at teaching our Overcoming Analysis Paralysis Course in a fully virtual setting. It’s the same 2-day, 16-hour course; however, course participants are able to enjoy the course from the comfort of their own homes while still being able to interact with the course instructor in real-time.

  • Our Online Overcoming Analysis Paralysis Course is a customer favorite. It’s a perfect option for those with a busy schedule and/or who prefer to study at their own pace. It’s also a fantastic option for those of us that like to take notes or are auditory learners. For what you’ll lack real-time feedback (though you can ask us any questions via email) you’ll gain control over your studying. If you want to learn about the difference between a compensated respiratory alkalosis and a non-compensated respiratory acidosis at 2 am, go for it! Depending on your needs, you can purchase licenses for yourself or a group (at a discount).

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Approval valid through 03/31/2025. OCEAN ID #2024-23